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Cracking the Enterprise Code with Anthony Soohoo: 2x founder & Fortune 100 exec

In this expert Q&A session, Anthony Soohoo shares everything founders need to know about dealing with large companies but were afraid to ask before.

From founding startups to buying companies, Anthony knows both sides of the startup/enterprise equation well. He sold his first company to CBS and then built the network’s streaming service. For his next act, he founded an AI-based online retailer and sold it to Alibaba. Then he moved to Walmart and led its multi-billion dollar Home Goods division. He shares the secrets to successfully selling to enterprises and being acquired by them. He now advises startups at AI Fund as a Venture Advisor.

Key takeaways for attendees include:
– How founders should think about working with large organizations
– Who the gatekeepers are in enterprises and how to get past them
– How to position a startup to effectively sell into enterprises
– The hidden red flags that can scare away large companies
– How to correctly interpret M&A signals