In this thought-provoking dialogue, AI luminary Andrew Ng and futurist Roy Bahat explore the immense potential surrounding artificial intelligence. They discuss the current AI landscape and envision its transformative impact across industries. The two also touch on AI...
Hear from some of the top marketers and founders in the startup ecosystem on the tips and tricks they used to market products for nascent brands and build successful companies from the ground up. Presenters: Jon Miller Chief Evangelist at Demandbase and Venture...
Serial co-founders Antony Brydon and Jeff Patterson along with entrepreneur Raj Jain will chat with AI Fund Talent Partner Linda Lee about the co-founder relationship in startups and why it is so important. Learn why you may or may not need a co-founder, what to look...
The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has changed the workplace in many ways, ranging from the proliferation of remote work, to the movement of people leaving their jobs in the Great Resignation or moving to a lower cost of living area. At AI Fund, my team and I have built...
Marketers are creating and using more video than ever before. While investment continues to grow, there’s often a glut of finished video that drives little to no additional value. Why? A lot of business video is dense, long, and hard to reuse. And busy marketing teams...